

Hope will be that warm cup of coffee in the winters,
And that lovely ice cream lolly in the summers.

Fairy tales taught us happily ever afters
You fight your battles and its sun, shine and laughter

As grownups we realise how messed up that is
Because life is never a bed of roses

There will be ups and there will be downs
Times which will make you smile and at other times, frown

There will be sun and there will be rain
There will be happiness and there will be pain

After every dusk, will come a dawn
Then why is it that we continue to feel overdrawn?

There are times when life throws you into a deep dark tunnel,
Where you can see no light in spite of all the hustle.
You feel like you’re walking on a tightrope,
And when you can’t seem to reach the end, you start to lose hope,
There are times when you feel like something is almost within your grasp,
But some magical power pulls it out of your clasp.
There are times when you feel like the whole universe is working against you,
Who is a friend and who a foe, you’ve got no clue.
You curse the world and you curse your fate,
Whether the world is worth living in, you contemplate
You begin to wonder if things will ever be okay,
And with dejection in your heart and mind, you continue to get through night and day.

But tell me my friend, why did you forget that night is followed by day?
That you will not know joy unless you know grief?
That every dessert needs a pinch of salt?

Do you not know that you’re only served as much as you can take?
That if life keeps testing you beyond your limits, it is only so because you’ve got it in you?

You might face the hurdles early or you might face them late
You might be prepared or you could be caught unaware
But, haven’t you heard?
That there is no victory without a challenge,
No match without an opponent,
And no yin without the yang.

So, let life bring it on
Whether it is sun or rain, dusk or dawn
Don’t lose hope, come what may
Show life that you’re not one to sway
This life is meant to be lived and not just existed
To shine with every pain, hurdle and challenge
And not be bogged down by it
Don’t die while you’re still living
Because when you finally near its end,
You will want to know in your heart that it was a life that was lived fully
And not merely passed by.

Every time you feel like you’re losing your grip,
Just make sure you do not lose your hope
Because hope is the lamp that no wind can blow out
Hope is the patronus that will keep all dementers at bay
Hope is the ray that will give you a rainbow even in the rain
Hope is the cactus that will grow in the desert
Hope is the light that will keep your heart alive
Hope is the elixir that will connect you to your soul
And hope is the star, that will always show you the way.

“If Winter comes can Spring be far behind?”, said P. B. Shelley

“Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”, said Stephen King

‘Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”, said, J. K. Rowling

And they aren’t wrong, eh?

So every time you feel like life is taking its toll on you,
Every time you find it difficult to take that next step,
Every time you feel like you’re done for,
Every time you feel unloved and uncared for,
Every time you feel alone,
Every time you feel as though you’re facing an impossible task,
Every time you feel crushed in the face of a challenge,
Every time you feel bogged down by the society and its expectations,
Every time you feel like you don’t have the strength to go on any more,
Every time you feel like quitting or giving up,
Every time you lose your confidence,
Every time you feel suffocated even in a room full of people,
Every time you lose the spark within you and you lose the will to live,
Remember, that there is hope – the most beautiful of all emotions
And, hope, will carry you along.
Hope will be the cushion you need,
Hope will be your magic carpet,
Hope will get you to the end of that tunnel,
Hope will bring you light and breeze and
Hope will be that warm cup of coffee in the winters,
And that lovely ice cream lolly in the summers.

So, don’t let that light in your eyes die down
And don’t let life burn you out
It’s a beautiful world out there with all its beautiful people
And all you need to do, is keep that hope alive!

22 replies on “Hope”

Hope lies eternal in your message. Well said Priya. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you are the shining beacon showing us that light!

Liked by 1 person

Hope is the rope that swings you through life,
And penning them down, can help to revive,
The patience and belief, in the plan that God’s made,
Keep writing like this, else the faith will fade…
Awesome PT…

Liked by 1 person

Hope is also that of a friend who defines having multiple talents is not just a dream.
We can live it too as you do.
Loved the highs and lows in the end and also the references of everything i.e. near and dear to you from mentioning about authors to baking to harry potter.
Great positioning and well drafted.

Liked by 1 person

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